We gave them a good head start.Those must be farmers or hunters who either never got the word or were stubborn, like those who stayed in Cheydinhal.He didn't sound good.I'll let you know if anything changes.He curled up on the stone floor, and in minutes he was snoring.Mazgar watched Umbriel pass, running the battle back through her head: the mad charge with the Cheydinhal guard, breaking the wormies' line.That hadn't been so bad.But then they had to set up their own lines on either side of the gate as Cheydinhal evacuated, and that hadn't been so much fun.It took hours, and the wormies didn't rest, didn't retreat or regroup.They just kept coming, wave after wave of them. http://tuning-yachts-andsm.lo.gs/ - Download Tuning Yachts and Small Keelboatshttp://motorcycling-abegin.lo.gs/ - Download Motorcycling: A Beginner's Manual In the end their line had been rolled up, and Falcus gave the command to fall back and regroup on the Blue Road — just before he took a spear in the throat.She and Brennus had been driven miles from the road, and now here they were. http://skiing-is-only-agam.lo.gs/ - Download Skiing Is Only a Gamehttp://inshorenavigation.lo.gs/ - Download Inshore Navigation Suppose they managed to get around the army and rejoin what was left of the Cheydinhal guards and the Imperial company.Suppose they managed to stay ahead of that thing long enough to reach the Imperial City.Because, by Mauloch, what was going to stop that?As dawn slid red claws up from behind the world, she saw that the wormies had all passed, at least for the time being, so she shook Brennus awake.They packed quickly, starting off south and then turning west, alternating between jogging and walking, hoping to flank the main mass of the wormies. EDdqrR45dEXi1eGg2cCko9sqWPduEe |