Время: Первое мая, 6.00 - 10.00
Погода: В это утро погода выдалась необычайно хорошая. Еще ночью прошел маленький дождик, поэтому на улице прохладно, земля влажная, воздух свежий и пиятный. Солнце стоит высоко и его яркие золотистые лучи мягко стелятся по земле, пробуждая природу ото сна. На чистом голубом небе ни облачка, и ничего не предвещает дождя.


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I didn't mean to interrupt, but this is a strange tale.The lord of Umbriel was too strong for us.He captured us and would have killed us, but Sul managed to escape into Oblivion, and brought me with him.But we were lost, far away from the paths Sul knew.We wandered through nightmare places.Just before coming here, we were in the realm of Prince Namira, or at least that's what Sul thought.Something there did this.I remember floating in gray ash, choking to death.Then I woke here.And there is — someone counting on me, waiting for me.
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